Something EXCITING is available for families at Town Center at Boca Raton! PLAY, the Town Center Mall indoor play space in Boca Raton, is a dynamic destination where families can have fun, recharge & relax at the shopping center…and it’s at no cost to you.
PLAY is a 1,600 square-foot recreational space featuring a combination of seating and interactive play elements. They are inspired by local waterways and waterfronts. It is so FANCY!
The design combines sculptural, abstract elements, soft textures, flowing forms and open play opportunities to spark children’s imaginations. Flanked with play-inspired smart furniture welcoming parents, caregivers and shoppers, PLAY encourages connections with family, friends and the community.
“Play is critical to children’s mental and physical development. PLAY at Town Center at Boca Raton will provide our young visitors the opportunity to learn, grow and interact in a climate-controlled environment,” said General Manager Sal Saldaña. “This first-class, indoor entertainment option is one of many customer-focused enhancements now available at the shopping center.”
A sampling of PLAY elements, the Town Center Mall indoor play space, includes:
- The Coral Cave – climb, crawl and traverse this series of ramps, levels and surfaces. They are designed to encourage kids to run up, around and through the play structure
- The Warp Portal – immersive digital play panels, viewing portholes and talk tubes draw children in with fun sounds and moving lights
- Triplet Tree Stepper – a modern adaptation of the age-old favorite tire swing. This is where children can sit, step and bounce under large petals that rustle and clap
An Arch Rope Ladder, Social Slide, Wave Recliner, Rope-mesh Deck, Telescope, Climbing Staircase, Climbing Ramp & Rope Haul, Pebble Ottomans, Play Blocks and a Secret Tunnel round out the developmental activities available within the interactive space.