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MOMpreneur Monday: Grammy’s Glasses Childrens Book

MOMpreneur: n. defined as a female business owner who is actively balancing the role of mom and the role of entrepreneur.

Welcome to our latest installment of MOMpreneur Monday, highlighting businesses and brands that were founded by female entrepreneurs and fellow Mommas!

Today’s featured Modern Boca MOMpreneur is Randi Knopman, Boca children’s book author of Grammy’s Glasses.

Tell us a little about your background…

Hi! My Name is Randi Knopman and I am a mom and now a grandmother. My career has taken me to working in television, QVC, and producing a parenting show for cable. I am currently enjoying writing children’s stories based on my young grandchildren’s curiosity with the things we use as we age to help us out along the journey of getting older…along with them, of course. 

Boca Children's Book author of Grammy's Glasses

How did the book writing process get started?

Looking at all of the children’s books that are available to buy, I saw a need in that particular market when I went to look for a book about grandparents and their glasses. This sparked the idea of writing books that not only children will enjoy, but could also help grandparents have educational conversations with their grandchildren. It’s not always easy explaining that as you get older, sometimes you need certain things to help you along the way.  

Boca Children's Book author of Grammy's Glasses

What is unique about your book?

This is a unique area whereby kids are seeing more and more canes, walkers and scooters with their grandparents. The fact is, our population is living longer and aging better. I want them to see we all need things to help us out and it doesn’t have to be scary or confusing. It is really just another way to secure the everlasting bond between grandparents and their grandchildren. 


Why should Modern Boca Mom readers order your book?

My grandkids are fascinated with their great grandparents’ “devices”, but are sometimes a little skeptical. Once they see certain things and understand what those things do, they become much more comfortable. That’s the purpose of this Grammy’s Glasses book, so grandparents can use it as a tool to assist them in teaching and providing additional knowledges to their grandkids.

Boca Children's Book author of Grammy's Glasses

What exciting things are coming up for this Boca children’s book author?

There are so many more stories to tell after Grammy’s Glasses and I can’t wait to write new stories about fun adventures with Flying Scooters and Magical Canes! And don’t forget, of course, the cool grandparents that go along for the ride. Stay tuned for the upcoming books to read!


What do you love about living and working in South Florida?

South Florida has always been a place my children and grandchildren loved because it represents family and a respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Now being a resident, my husband and I love the time we have to spend with family and friends and don’t forget, the beautiful weather!

Boca Children's Book author of Grammy's Glasses

Connect with Author, Randi Knopman:


AMAZON: Grammy’s Glasses: Knopman, Randi 

BARNES AND NOBLE: Grammy’s Glasses by Randi Knopman

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