As the palm tree leaves begin to turn brown, the dead branches fall and Boca Raton’s humidity levels drop to less than 60%, we find ourselves on the cusp of flu season 2023. Despite the lingering furnace of our South Florida summer, it’s time for local moms to shift our attention to the imminent health challenges that come with the season ahead.
Recent data from various health institutes suggest that this year’s flu season could be as unpredictable as ever. Yay! But don’t fret – armed with the right information from our local partner Roshini Singh, Founder of 365 Wellness, a direct primary care model servicing Boca Raton and Palm Beach County, you can fortify your defenses and *hopefully* navigate the flu season *mostly* unscathed.
Flu Season 2023: Essential Tips to Stay Protected
What are some of the key updates and recommendations for the flu vaccine in the upcoming season?
The flu season starts around October and may last until May. The key updates are mainly about the composition of the current 2023-2024 flu vaccine which is dependent on the previous flu season’s data.
How effective is the vaccine expected to be this year?
Historically, studies have consistently shown flu vaccine effectiveness in reducing the severity of symptoms during flu season. Flu vaccines will not cause you to have the flu. The virus is inactivated in the injectable route, but there are patients we have seen that may experience short-lived, low-grade fevers and body aches, for example.
The flu vaccine is quadrivalent for this season, meaning it tackles 2 types of influenza for both the A and B viruses. There are pharmacologic treatments available for these types of influenza and they’ll be recommended if necessary.
Flu vaccines are still highly encouraged for those 65 years or older, pregnant patients, children under 2 and patients with chronic conditions such as asthma, COPD, diabetes, heart disease, and any condition that may weaken your immune system. This is because the effects of influenza can progress to worsening symptoms and complications for these populations.
Talk to a health care provider like 365 Wellness if you have an egg allergy because there are some flu vaccines that carry an egg protein. However, we have found that an egg allergy may not disqualify a patient to obtain the vaccine. If there are concerns or if patients have a history of severe egg reactions, there are egg-free vaccines available.
In addition (or in lieu of) to being vaccinated, what are some essential tips from 365 Wellness for families to stay protected this flu season?
Important things to note overall for flu season 2023 is to practice good hand washing techniques for all ages. This cannot be stressed enough! Our hands are high carriers of germs and easily transmissible to others and non live surfaces. If we touch an area with the flu virus, then touch our eyes, nose and/or mouth, this is an entry for the virus to enter our bodies. Being closely around others who are coughing, sneezing and talking, who have influenza, can cause transmission of the virus as well via viral droplets.
Also, just like Covid, when you believe you may have flu symptoms, talk to your health care provider and take precautions to reduce the spread to the public.
Practicing a lifestyle with rich antioxidant-based foods, healthy and balanced meals and a solid exercise and sleep regimen is mandatory–throughout any season for that matter. There are some supplements from trusted companies that I love such as fruit and veggies capsules and turmeric from Fusionary Formulas to lend that additional immunity boost.

However, even the healthiest of individuals are still susceptible to the flu virus, but may (fortunately) have milder symptoms and/or shorter durations of the virus.
Any other advice for flu season 2023?
When in doubt, talk to your trusted health care experts. At 365 Wellness, we are a primary care/family medicine practice, so we do commonly evaluate and treat patients for influenza. We like to practice an Eastern and Western medicine approach as much as possible and provide recommendations based on individual cases.
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