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Toddler Training: How to Transition to a Toddler Bed…Successfully!


I feel like I’ve failed at an epic level recently at certain “Toddler Training” tasks. I’m a little frustrated with the progress #dailybocaavery is (not) making at swim class and our first try at potty training didn’t exactly pan out.

But one thing we’re #winning at? The TODDLER BED TRANSITION.

Bye bye crib! Hello tiny bed.

2015-06-30 19.16.23It’s too cute, right?

We found this bad boy on sale at Target (you can find it for $69.99 on HERE) and #modernbocadad couldn’t resist the purchase. The mattress FYI- is directly from the crib.

I had originally wanted to keep #dailybocaavery in her crib (cage?) as long as possible. We have a two-story house and my mind went to the darkest, worst possible scenario in terms of transitioning her.

No, I wasn’t worried about her stumbling in the dark and falling down a flight of stairs in the middle of night. I was terrified of the access she would now have to our bedroom.

A tiny person staring you down in silence in the middle of the night is actually quite terrifying.

Lucky for us, Avery is a loud walker (a stomper essentially), so we hear her coming a mile away. And she loves being able to get into and out of her bed on her own. She was ready.

So, how did we transition her?

1. We made a big deal about the “Big Kid Toddler Bed.”

Let your child help pick out new bedding and choose which stuffed animal(s) they want to sleep with. This amazing “bed in a bag” set is from aden + anais and I am obsessed.

Aden + Anais Bed in a Bag

Why you ask? First off, the top sheet is attached to the fitted sheet, so your child cannot tear apart the bed in his/her sleep. Little did I know that would be a key selling feature.

Aden + Anais Bed in a Bag
See? The bottom is attached.

Secondly, it comes with a training pillow. This set comes with a small, flat one, so it’s a good starting point.

The comforter is also very lightweight. That’s a South Florida win in my book!

Aden + Anais Bed in a Bag

The set is made with 100% cotton muslin– guaranteed you received one or more of those aden + anais blankets when your child was a baby.

aden+anais Classic Toddler Bed in a Bag
The ‘for the birds’ pattern

The aden + anais classic toddler bed in a bag retails for $49.99. You can purchase HERE.

2. We read about Elmo’s experience.

Our daughter, like many toddlers and preschoolers out there, relates to Elmo on so many levels. Reading about his “Big Kid Bed” transition was a great idea and explained the why’s and how’s at her level.

Elmo Big Enough for a Bed Book

MBMom Tip: Make sure to read this book WHILE your child sits in their bed. Stay consistent. Once per night is great until your kid is comfortable in his/her new digs. 🙂

3. We installed a night light.

If our daughter does get up in the middle of the night, I’m now confident she can find her way to our bedroom without crashing into a baby gate head first.

Night Light

Not saying that this happened to her/us, but…yeah, that happened to us. Oops.

Along with a lot of love + patience, your child should be sleeping (and hopefully staying) in their new bed before you know it.

2015-08-17 00.16.33

Sweet dreams!

Sponsored: I was given a complimentary toddler bed bedding set from Aden and Anais for review. All opinions expressed in this blog post are my own and not influenced in any way by the sponsor. Any statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with provider. Please refer to this site’s Disclosure for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions. This post also contains affiliate links. I may receive a portion of your purchase price from the retailer.

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